Hi, I’m Alexey.
Hi, I’m Alexey.

Hi, I’m Alexey.

Professionally, I like building products for millions of people with no external funding and small teams. For leisure, I like analogue photography.

I built a privacy-conscious translator app Mate Translate with 1M+ active users. I tried to launch a luxury watch brand Affe. In fact, we built (& shut down at some point; 1, 2, 3) several apps at Gikken.

📍 Berlin

📝 Substack @chernikov

🐦 Twitter @chernikovalexey

📷 Instagram @chernikovalexey

✉️ Telegram @chernikov_xyz

Some of my longer-than-a-tweet pieces:

Computer SocialismThe Making of Affe, Part 1: I went to SwitzerlandI went to Web Summit

+ Medium and Gikken Blog

Guides to my favourite places:

🐻Berlino Guide👵🏻Vienna Guide🎡London Guide🌴Bali Guide

Some of the things I’ve worked on:

Mate Translate [extension, app] [live]

AI Music Generator [web] [live]

UltraWide Video [extension] [live]

Rosa [web] [frozen]

AltPlot [web] [frozen]

Artpaper [app] [live]

Tokens [app] [acquired]

Reji [app] [shut down]

Breaks For Eyes [app] [acquired]

Prevel JS [library] [outdated]

Two Cubes [game] [live]

Affe Watches [physical] [frozen]

Der Die Das [web] [live]

EchoScribe [Telegram bot] [live]